Peng Chen

Peng Chen

I am a first-year master student at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, supervised by Prof. Hui Chen from ISCAS, Prof. Naiming Yao from ISCAS. I received my B.S. in Information Security from University of Science and Technology, Beijing in 2023 and obtained Beijing Distinguished Graduate Award and Beijing Outstanding Graduation Design (Thesis).

I am seeking a PhD opportunity closely aligned with my research interests.

My areas of focus include Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, AI-Generated Content, Computer Vision and Digital Characters.

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DiffusionTalker: Personalization and Acceleration for Speech-Driven 3D Face Diffuser
Peng Chen*, Xiaobao Wei*, Ming Lu, Yitong Zhu, Naiming Yao, Xingyu Xiao, Hui Chen
Paper / Project / Code

We propose DiffusionTalker, a diffusion-based method that utilizes contrastive learning to personalize 3D facial animation and knowledge distillation to accelerate 3D animation generation.

[IEEE VR 2024] Bring Your Own Character: A Holistic Solution for Automatic Facial Animation Generation of Customized Characters   (CCF-A)
Zechen Bai, Peng Chen, Xiaolan Peng, Lu Liu, Naiming Yao, Hui Chen, Feng Tian
Paper / Code

Given a target facial video as reference, bring your own character into our solution integrated with Unity3D, it automatically generates facial animation for the virtual character.

  • [06/2023] Beijing Outstanding Graduation Design (Thesis), 2023.
  • [06/2023] Beijing Distinguished Graduate Award, 2023.

Last updated: June. 2024
Web page design credit to Jon Barron